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Manoj Rao

Your Average Common Man

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In earlier posts, we tried to get an intuition for the maths behind the key ideas of Convolution Networks.

Assume our inputs are images for this post. In general, Convolutional Networks are pretty versatile but they are most famous for their application in Computer Vision which primarily deals with inputs in the form of images. These images are typically converted from RGB to their monochromatic representation 1. For this discussion, the input is going to be a 2-D array.

Cross Correlation Operator

Remember the Translation Invariance thing from here? This operator in terms of the source code that actually helps us implement it. The idea behind it is simple, imagine passing a filter or a lens over the input (a 2-D array). We will be interested in what we “see” through this lens. How we use this info is application dependent but we will use to arrive at our final goal via this method of moving this lens over the input matrix in full (left-to-right, then top-to-bottom).

A Thousand Words

In the fig, you can see the Kernel is the filter. For example: in this figure we use the shaded numbers as follows.

0×0 + 1×1 + 3×2 + 4×3 = 19.

Similarly, the rest of the output is computed:

1×0 + 2×1 + 4×2 + 5×3 = 25
3×0 + 4×1 + 6×2 + 7×3 = 37
4×0 + 5×1 + 7×2 + 8×3 = 43

If the input size is H x W and filter/lens size is h x w then the output is given by (H - h + 1) x (W - w + 1). This is because we apply the lens filter only on locations where the filter wholly fits into the image i.e., the Kernel filter does not spill over the edges of the image.

Below is the code snippet from the actual implementation of the MXNet library.

for (index_t top_channel = 0 ; top_channel < top_channels_unsigned_ ; top_channel++) {
    int s2o = (top_channel % neighborhood_grid_width_ -\
            neighborhood_grid_radius_) * stride2_;
    int s2p = (top_channel / neighborhood_grid_width_ -\
            neighborhood_grid_radius_) * stride2_;
    int x2 = x1 + s2o;
    int y2 = y1 + s2p;
    for (index_t h = 0; h < static_cast<index_t>(kernel_size_); h++)
        for (index_t w = 0; w < static_cast<index_t>(kernel_size_); w++)
        for (index_t channel = 0; channel < static_cast<index_t>(bchannels); channel++) {
            if (is_multiply == true)
                out[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] += \
                out[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] += std::abs(\
    out[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] /= sumelems;

Oh My!

Well, if you simplify it and remove all the real world considerations from the implementation like tensor dimensions, data shapes in NHWC (N-Batches, Height, Width, Channels) etc. then here’s what you are really looking at:

for (index_t h = 0; h < static_cast<index_t>(kernel_size_); h++)
    for (index_t w = 0; w < static_cast<index_t>(kernel_size_); w++)
        out[i][j] +=  input[i + h][j + w] * lens[i + h][j + w];

Now stare at it a few more times until you have digested it and convinced yourself that they are indeed equal. If not, you can go through the original implementation here

If you are happy, then hold it there and we will use this for greater things in the next few “Baby Steps”.

  1. There are other transformations performed on the input, we will not discuss for simplicity. 

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