I have always wanted to ask about the key strengths of top class achievers, especially, people who have a proven track record of being excellent at coding, design, and developing huge projects. Are they gifted people with extra-terrestrial abilities? Or are they mere mortals who share most of our drawbacks, but get just enough things right, consistently. Earlier this year I set myself to start a podcast series where I would talk to top class achievers in tech and take a peek at the secrets to their excellence.
The interview format is mostly an informal conversation with the guest for anywhere between 45 minutes and 90 minutes. If it’s much longer I will split the episode into smaller chunks.
My aim is to have a podcast that you could play on your commute. Hopefully you come out of it learning a new trick or be motivated/inspired to do a little bit more with your day.
I’m not a professional sound engineer. Trust me, it will become apparent. But doing this over my spare time is a lot of fun! Hopefully, it is equally fun for you folks to listen to the show.
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If you like topics such as this then please consider subscribing to my podcast. I talk to some of the stalwarts in tech and ask them what their favorite productivity hacks are:
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