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Manoj Rao

Your Average Common Man

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In an earlier post I explored if capturing profiling info from a low level systems engg perspective is even remotely useful. The result was that if the tools are coperative then it is worthwhile capturing profiling info from the computational device / element perspective. Looking into the call graph from the framework implementation gives a ton of context on how the framework implements Deep Learning operators. Clearly, profiling as an aid to debugging is not a new idea (at all). Most Deep Learning frameworks have their own rich set of profiling tools and libraries. Refer below for sample outputs from MXNet. However, the biggest utility of looking into such info is what it provides in addition to the framework specific features.

MXNet Profiler Output

Profiler Tracing Output

Profiler Stats Output

From the above output it should be clear that obtaining Operator level information should be fairly easy if you followed steps to use the MXNet Profiler in your Deep Learning Model.

Is it even useful?

So, is it even useful to capture profiling info from tools like perf to debug bugs and bottlenecks in the model itself? I found the answer is it may not be terribly useful in obtaining contextual information or it may not help you tune hyper parameters to make the training more effective, it does help make the training itself a bit more efficient.

If you are curious about learning regarding the implementation of FullyConnected Operator in MXNet it is useful to look the stack trace and compare the run times between different implementations. MXNet offers a bunch of options to run on ctx<gpu>() or ctx<cpu>(). Even when run on CPU, there are couple of options you build MXNet with. It could be Intel’s MKLDNN library (separate installation) or OpenBLAS which is the more general open source library of Linear Algebra Programs that are optimized in software (not hardware target based).

Fully Connected on CPU with MKLDNN library Once you reach the top of the graph below.

orig flamegraph you will start to see calls to jit_avx_gemm_f32 which is a call to Intel’s Hardware that provides acceleration for MKL or Math Kernel Library. The source code can be found here

Bonus: Off-CPU Flamegraph for MLP

Off-CPU Flame Graphs for a Multi Layer Perceptron

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