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Manoj Rao

Your Average Common Man

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Using std::unordered_map instead of std::map gives us the freedom with choice for the type of keys we can use. While std::map expects that there be an inherent order to the keys which allows for sorting, std::unordered_map allows us to choose our own key types as long as we know how to hash them.

For example: you can choose any type so long as you know how to hash it.

using meeting_time_t = std::pair<int, int>;

Compare Keys

The effect of defining your own hash function to the stdlib is that you also need to tell how to compare two keys.

bool operator== (const meeting_time_t& f, const meeting_time_t& s) {
    return (f.first == s.first and f.second == s.second);

Define hash

We must sneak our own hash iimplementation into the std:: namespace while carefully using the same type names as hash implementation of other/standard key types.

Note that you must implement the operator () where we compute the hash. This is completely up to the implementation - you can go crazy with crypto secure hash or keep it lightweight and dummy.

namespace std {
    template <>
    struct hash<meeting_time_t> {
        using argument_type = meeting_time_t;
        using result_type = size_t;
        result_type operator() (const argument_type& m) const { return m.first * m.second; }

Of course, you must implement the operator to reduce the number of hash collisions.

Hopefully, this gave you an idea that you can do the following:

std::unordered_map<meeting_time_t, size_t> meet_map { 
        {5, 7}, 5 
        {2, 3}, 7
for (const auto& [k, v] : meet_map) { std::cout << k.first << k.second << v << std::endl; }

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