Using std::unordered_map
instead of std::map
gives us the freedom with
choice for the type of keys we can use. While std::map
expects that there be
an inherent order to the keys which allows for sorting,
allows us to choose our own key types as long as we know
how to hash them.
For example: you can choose any type so long as you know how to hash it.
using meeting_time_t = std::pair<int, int>;
Compare Keys
The effect of defining your own hash function to the stdlib is that you also need to tell how to compare two keys.
bool operator== (const meeting_time_t& f, const meeting_time_t& s) {
return (f.first == s.first and f.second == s.second);
Define hash
We must sneak our own hash iimplementation into the std::
namespace while
carefully using the same type names as hash implementation of other/standard key
Note that you must implement the operator ()
where we compute the hash. This
is completely up to the implementation - you can go crazy with crypto secure
hash or keep it lightweight and dummy.
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<meeting_time_t> {
using argument_type = meeting_time_t;
using result_type = size_t;
result_type operator() (const argument_type& m) const { return m.first * m.second; }
Of course, you must implement the operator to reduce the number of hash collisions.
Hopefully, this gave you an idea that you can do the following:
std::unordered_map<meeting_time_t, size_t> meet_map {
{5, 7}, 5
{2, 3}, 7
for (const auto& [k, v] : meet_map) { std::cout << k.first << k.second << v << std::endl; }
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