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Manoj Rao

Your Average Common Man

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In this post, we will see how ridiculously easy it is to parallel sort with no external libraries, no special constructs, no delicate CUDA programming - basically, no more hairfall! They support other algorithms such as std::transform std::transform_reduce which I have not played with yet.

This requires NVidia’s nvcc compiler which comes as a part of their HPC SDK release 1

In an earlier post, I had briefly discussed the rude shock I encountered when trying Parallel execution policies. However, at the time my conclusion was only MSVC’s implementation had picked up the tab on Parallel STL Algorithms. Turns out that there’s a giant, NVidia who has some skin in this game. Some time last year, they released their implementation of the stdpar in standard C++ via the latest nvcc compiler toolchain.

I finally got around to trying this out so I wanted to share my initial observations.

  • Hardware: EC2 p3.8x large
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Software: NVCC Compiler
$ nvc++ --version

nvc++ 21.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp haswell 
NVIDIA Compilers and Tools
Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.  All rights reserved.

C++ defines various execution policies for the compiler implementations to implement. The policies are:

  • std::execution::seq: Sequential execution. No parallelism is allowed.
  • std::execution::unseq: Vectorized execution on the calling thread (this execution policy was added in C++20).
  • std::execution::par: Parallel execution on one or more threads.
  • std::execution::par_unseq: Parallel execution on one or more threads, with each thread possibly vectorized.

Since I haven’t switched to C++20 yet let’s use the three execution policies available.

The vector is initialized with the following code:

std::for_each(vals.begin(), vals.end(), [](auto& e){ e = std::rand(); });


 std::sort(std::execution::seq, vals.begin(), vals.end());


 std::sort(std::execution::par, vals.begin(), vals.end());

Parallel with Vectors

My guess is that this option uses AVX512-like instructions on CPU or intelligently

 std::sort(std::execution::par_unseq, vals.begin(), vals.end());

Measuring Times

For instance, to measure the time taken to sort the input with sequential execution I did:

    auto tic = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::sort(std::execution::seq, vals.begin(), vals.end());
    auto toc = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    time_diff(tic, toc, "seq", n_);

The usual quick calc to print time:

    auto time_diff = [](auto& s, auto& e, auto conf, int n) {
        float duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>
	        (e - s).count();
        std::cout << n << "," << duration << "," << conf << "," << "multicore/gpu??" << std::endl;

Compile Time Options

nvc++ allows us to compile the program for heterogeneous systems:

nvc++ -stdpar=gpu -o sortesh_gpu

or homogeneous multicore systems as show below:

nvc++ -stdpar=multicore -o sortesh_multicore

Measured Times

To top it I started looking at the Flamegraphs to make sure the workload was indeed being offloaded to GPU as promised (since the p3.8x large is a huge machine and it becomes hard to really tell the perf between sorting a 100 Billion numbers on modern CPUs vs a bulky set of GPUs.

stdpar sorting Flamegraphs

Then I looked into the off-CPU stacks with:

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:sched:sched_switch { @[kstack] = count(); }'

After this the Flamegraphs themselves were created with:

./ --color=io --title="Off-CPU Time Flame Graph" --countname=us < > gpu_offcpu_bpftrace.svg

stdpar sorting Flamegraphs Off-CPU


stdpar implementation in NVidia’s nvc++ provides a nice construct for standard C++ implementation. The speedups are pretty impressive compared to the vanilla sequential implementation.



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